Founded in 2004, CFGALLA is a regional Voluntary Bar Association of The Florida Bar.

Community Resources
This resource provides easy access to a number of sources for information relevant to the LGBT community.

Lawyer Resources
IMPORTANT: The pages of our Resource Center are intended to provide easy access to a number…

Directory of Our Members
The individuals or firms included on this page have asked that they be listed as LGBT firendly…
About Central Florida Gay & Lesbian Law Association CFGALLA
Founded in 2004, CFGALLA is a regional Voluntary Bar Association of The Florida Bar. CFGALLA is a qualified 501(c)(6) non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. It is the objective of CFGALLA to establish and maintain an integrated group to support, assist, and encourage gay and lesbian attorneys, legal professionals, and law students, and provide support and resources to the community at large on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered issues.
CFGALLA Membership
Your CFGALLA relies on its membership to maintain current contact information and enough funds to operate the Association. Click here to learn more about the benefits of membership and to complete an online application. Membership in CFGALLA is open to anyone in the legal profession, including lawyers, paralegals, and law students. Annual dues are $75.00 for regular attorneys, $50.00 for judiciary, government, or non-profit lawyers, $37.50 for paralegals, and $10.00 for law students.
Benefits of Membership Include: Join our list-serve where members can post referrals, questions, and legal updates Add your profile to our website directory listing practice areas and links to your personal website Frequent networking and social functions Free and discounted CLE classes Mentoring opportunities Keep informed about local and national legal issues affecting the LGBT community